RapidAPI Client

Accelerate your API delivery

Cross-Platform API Client

RapidAPI Client is a full-featured API developer tool that accelerates API delivery and improves developer experience. It does so by offering an API client with an intuitive UI and superior performance that simplifies development workflows and streamlines API collaboration.

RapidAPI Client (by Paw):

  • Offers a fully-featured API client to debug, test, and interact with HTTP APIs
  • Supports any type of API, including REST, SOAP, and GraphQL
  • Allows teams to collaborate on building APIs and publishing them to the RapidAPI Hub or RapidAPI Enterprise Hub

Intuitive UI

Quickly create, find and run API requests with intuitive top-level sidebar navigation and a simple interface for setting up arguments, headers, and parameters.

  • Accelerate API delivery – Design, test, and describe APIs with intuitive visual programming
  • Improve developer experience – Import and  Export from common standards such as OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0, and generate code snippets for popular languages

Simplified Workflow

RapidAPI Client eases development workflows for testing ongoing API projects. It offers powerful environment variables and dynamic values that improve productivity for developers. Unlike other API tooling, RapidAPI Client can be extended through its JavaScript API to allow custom API flows.

  • Accelerate API delivery – incorporate powerful macro-like functions into your design and development flows, and adapt the client to meet any use case with JavaScript-based extensions
  • Improve developer experience – switch between environments with the push of a button and authenticate against standard schemas including OAuth 1.0 and 2.0
Group 103 Created with Sketch.

Streamlined Collaboration

Manage work across multiple teams of developers and keep all API calls in sync. Increase productivity for all team members involved in designing and consuming APIs including product managers designing the API structure, backend developers implementing the API, QA engineers testing the API, and frontend developers consuming the API.

  • Accelerate API delivery – versioning and branching enable teams to collaborate on API design
  • Improve developer experience – choose between a native macOS app, cross-platform web app, or desktop apps for Windows and Linux

Key Features

  • Intuitive UI
  • Simplified Workflow
  • Streamlined Collaboration
  • Superior Performance

Intuitive UI

Quickly create, find, and run API requests.

  • Intuitive visual interface to design, test, and describe APIs
  • Code snippet generation
  • Import / Export OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0, RAML, API Blueprint
  • Migrate API calls from cURL and Postman
  • Custom JSON editor and native JSON schema support
  • Text completion
  • Cookies & sessions

Note: Some features only available once the product reaches general availability

Intuitive UI

Simplified Workflow

Ease development workflows for testing ongoing API projects.

  • Support for REST, SOAP, GraphQL APIs
  • Support for all body types: URL-encoded, Multipart, JSON, XML, File/Binary
  • Custom HTTP methods
  • Advanced Environments – segregate per project, sync to Paw Cloud, organize into groups
  • HTTP testing sandbox
  • Dynamic values
  • JavaScript-Based Extensions
  • JS Snippets
  • Authentication – OAuth 1 and 2, Basic Auth, Digest Auth, Hawk, AWS Sig v4, JWT Generation, Auth0, Cookie auth, Custom protocols
  • Warnings
  • Support for proxy servers and PAC configurations
  • Integration to RapidAPI Hub/RapidAPI Enterprise Hub

Note: Some features only available once the product reaches general availability

Simplified Workflow

Streamlined Collaboration

Manage work across multiple teams of developers.

  • Real-time updates driven by push and pull requests
  • Cloud Sync and Team Management
  • Versioning and Branching
  • Choice between a cross-platform web application and native desktop
    applications for macOS, Windows and Linux
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Pawprint sharing (send shortened URL to anyone for viewing)

Note: Some features only available once the product reaches general availability

Streamlined Collaboration

Superior Performance

Improve developer productivity with a lightning fast API client.

  • Multithreaded processing for desktop apps runs compute intensive tasks while leaving UI smooth
  • Load large requests in less than a second

Note: Some features only available once the product reaches general availability

Superior Performance

RapidAPI Client - Pricing

You can get started with RapidAPI Client for free by signing up for our beta.
Details and additional plans are listed below.

HTTP Client & API Description
Team Collaboration
Governance & Security
24/7 Support SLA
Platforms supported
Ideal number of users
License/subscription terms (USD)


Web, macOS
Windows, Linux
Free Beta


Web, macOS
Windows, Linux
50+ users
Custom pricing