RapidAPI Testing

Create and manage comprehensive API tests
from development through deployment

Functional API Testing and Monitoring

RapidAPI Testing is a functional API testing and monitoring solution that provides an intuitive UX, support for any API type, and integration with RapidAPI Hub and RapidAPI Enterprise Hub. RapidAPI Testing enables users and enterprises to: 

Ensure API Functionality – Easily create intricate functional tests for deep validation of APIs

Centralize Monitoring – Monitor and manage API tests across multiple geographies

Improve Efficiency – Integrate to the CI/CD pipeline, collaborate across teams, and natively integrate with RapidAPI Hub and RapidAPI Enterprise Hub


T esting

Comprehensive Testing

RapidAPI Testing enables you to create customizable functional test flows that provide deep validation of REST, SOAP, and GraphQL APIs. An easy-to-use interface offers users three options for test generation, enabling developers and non-developers to create visual, automated, or code-based test generation. 

Ensuring API security is also simple with testing for any authentication and authorization method including OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect, header validation, and injection flaw prevention. 

Seamless Integration

RapidAPI Testing improves development efficiency with built-in collaboration capabilities, native integration to RapidAPI Hub and RapidAPI Enterprise Hub, and a dedicated webhook for integration across the CI/CD pipeline. Organize developers into teams and assign permissions at the team and role level to ensure real-time collaboration for running tests and inspecting results. 

Adding testing to your software delivery process is also simple thanks to a dedicated webhook to run API tests from CI/CD pipelines managed by Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub, Travis CI, and GitLab. 

Performance Testing
130ms 95ms 145ms

Global Monitoring

With RapidAPI Testing, you can centrally and continuously monitor and manage API tests to ensure the performance of the applications, APIs, and microservices across multiple geographies. Pinpoint issues and accelerate resolution times with sophisticated reporting and analytics, including detailed execution reports and an intuitive management dashboard.

Because it integrates with leading developer and incident management tooling such as GitHub, PagerDuty, Slack, and Twilio, RapidAPI Testing ensures that your API is performing properly.


API Testing - Pricing

You can get started with RapidAPI Testing for free with no credit card required up to 2,000 API calls. Details and additional plans are listed below. All prices reflect US dollars per user per month.

Number of Tests Per API
Number of API Calls
Scheduling Frequency
CI/CD Trigger
On premises
Number of Users


Email only
Up to every 6 hours
1 user


Email + SMS
Up to every minute
Up to 5 users


Email + SMS
Up to every minute


Email + SMS
Up to every minute

*Over 5 users requires a separate purchase of RapidAPI for Teams at a rate of $10 per additional seat monthly. 

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Testing
  • Global Monitoring
  • Seamless Integration

Comprehensive Testing

Create functional API test flows with an easy-to-use interface for visual, automated, or code-based test generation.

  • End-to-End Flows to mimic real and application behavior
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor for visual test building
  • Code-based editor
  • Automatic Test Creation from API Definitions
  • REST, SOAP, and GraphQL Support
  • API Security – authentication and authorization (OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect), header validation, commands to prevent injection flaws, and more
Comprehensive Testing

Global Monitoring

Centrally and securely monitor and manage all API tests to ensure the performance of
applications, APIs, and microservices.

  • Performance monitoring across multiple global data centers
  • Real-time Alerts
    • Receive alerts via SMS or Email
    • Send alerts to multiple team members
    • Integrate with existing developer tooling including GitHub, PagerDuty, Slack, and Twilio
  • Reporting – Detailed Execution Reports
  • Management Dashboard for key analytics and quick insights
Global Monitoring

Seamless Integration

Improve development efficiency with built-in collaboration and a dedicated webhook for integration across the CI/CD pipeline.

  • CI/CD Integration with Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub, Travis CI, GitLab and More
  • Built-in collaboration across organization
    • Share API access on a team by team level
    • Tests can be shared with team members
    • Real-time collaboration for running tests and inspecting results
    • Roles-and-permissions model on creating and running tests
    • Share APIs & Tests with developers outside your organization
  • RapidAPI Hub/RapidAPI Enterprise Hub Integration
  • Enterprise-ready – push/pull tests from cloud UI to a local on-premises agent for behind the firewall execution of testing flows
Seamless Integration