RapidAPI for Teams

Share and collaborate on internal or external APIs and
microservices in a private workspace

Collaborate on APIs in a
Private Workspace

As companies transition to using microservices in their architectures, more APIs are created across the organization.

Consequently, it becomes more challenging for developers to find these internal APIs and reuse them when they are developing new software. And when developers subscribe to external APIs, they need a collaborative solution for sharing them internally.

RapidAPI for Teams enables you to publish, share, and connect to internal APIs, as well as external APIs, and microservices.

With RapidAPI for Teams, developers can create an organization and invite others to share internal and external APIs from a private workspace.

Publish and Share APIs

RapidAPI for Teams enables developers to publish their APIs into a private workspace.

  • Design & Publish APIs – use RapidAPI to design API documentation & share it internally with a live API testing tool & code snippet generator
  • Secure APIs With Sharing & Access Control – use RapidAPI to define which teams have access to APIs, approve access on a case-by-case basis, and share in the RapidAPI Hub
  • Leverage Open API & CI/CD Integration – integrate RapidAPI into the development flow by uploading APIs with OpenAPI (Swagger) specs, and updating them from CI/CD flows

Search, Discover and Connect
to Internal APIs

Developers can find any internal API, view its documentation, test it, and connect directly. Or collaborate and share information about the API right in RapidAPI.

  • Search and Discover APIs – find the right API with powerful search and filtering
  • Test from Browser – view interactive API docs and test any endpoint from the browser to quickly understand how the API functions
  • Access SDK & Code Snippets – connect to APIs with automatically generated SDKs and code snippets in 20+ programing languages
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Monitor API Usage and Performance

RapidAPI helps you monitor and analyze the performance of the internal and external APIs you are using, making it easier to debug and maintain your application.

  • Access Detailed Analytics – get insights into every API, right down to the endpoint, consumer, and request level
  • Optimize APIs – know all the users of your API, and analyze how they call different endpoints to optimize your API
  • Optimize Applications – track all the APIs used by an application and understand their impact on its performance
  • Consolidate Billing – pay for all your public API consumption from one place

Key Features

  • Consuming APIs
    • Discovery
    • Integration
    • Consumption Management
  • Publishing APIs
    • Design
    • Publishing
    • Monetization
  • API Governance
    • Management
    • Monitoring & Analytics
    • Governance
    • Security


  • Deep Search – full-text search across API name, description, API provider username
    • Search filtering by categories, tags, and metadata
    • Search for endpoint by name
  • API Collections – Custom pages of APIs grouped by publishing team or use-case
  • Homepage with previews from multiple API Collections
  • Analysis of APIs based on performance metrics and popularity


  • A view of all API endpoints & their parameters
  • Discussion forums to facilitate collaboration between developers using an API
  • Single application key for all APIs
  • Testing/Evaluation – view documentation and test APIs easily in the browser
  • Comprehensive support for OpenAPI spec including schema details and examples for requests and responses
  • Support for code snippets to easily embed API connection into the application: C, C#, Go, Java, Javascript, Node.js, Objective-C, OCaml, PHP, Powershell, Python, RapidQL, Ruby, Shell, Swift

Consumption Management

  • Developer dashboard for analytics and quick insights across all APIs consumed by the team
  • Charts for daily active users, new users, and total users, and total users over selected time periods
  • Analytics (requests, errors, latency, group by individual applications) per API or per API endpoint
  • Access control – open access, by subscription, requested access, or by invitation from the provider
Consumption Management


  • OpenAPI specification and upload/import
  • CI/CD Integration
  • Postman collection import
  • HTTP client – visual editor and HTTP toolset


  • Dev experience features: spotlight on collections page, tutorials/FAQs per API
  • Open API Spec (2.0 or 3.0) (CI/CD integration)
  • Support for all API Types: REST, SOAP, GraphQL, Kafka [coming soon], WebSocket APIs [coming soon], gRPC APIs [coming soon]
  • Simple UI to define API
  • API authentication (per application and additional authentication capabilities)


  • Plans that can be defined as free, freemium, or paid (with quotas and hard/soft limits)
  • Monthly subscription or pay-per-use plans
  • Private plans that are available by invite only
  • Automatic charging and payment processing out of the box
  • Enforcement of DocuSign esignature for contracts


  • Billing -manage billing information and API subscription and consumption data
  • Users -self-service onboarding
    • Granular controls to invite users to private plans, and restrict endpoint access per plan
  • Teams -Create/add teams, manage users, grant editing, view usage and define approval process for publishing/consuming APIs
  • Transform API requests/responses at the gateway
  • Threat Protection
  • Rate Limiting
  • Support for multiple environments
  • API Mocking
    • Globally distributed gateway with geo-DNS routing for minimal latency

Monitoring & Analytics

  • Dashboard for analytics and quick insight across all APIs consumed by the team
  • Analytics (requests, errors, latency) grouped by individual applications per API and API endpoint
  • Ability to filter analytics by API and API endpoints
  • Access to granular API logs for easier debugging
  • Set up alerts for API anomalies
Monitoring & Analytics


  • Track, analyze, and secure API access, publishing, and provisioning
  • Configure API as public, private, semi-private
  • Grant API editing, view, and access privileges by team
  • View API usage
  • Provide API key per user application
  • Send announcements to all API users on newly added functionality or transitioning to a different version
  • Block or unblock specific users from API access
  • Invite specific users to private plans
  • Create plans restricting access to specific endpoints


  • TLS
  • Schema validation
  • Proxy Secret Key
  • Fraud detection through third-party provider
  • Threat protection
  • Rate limiting
  • 2FA
  • API key rotation