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Millions of Developers

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world’s largest API hub

Simple and Fast Integration

Get Started with our Simple UI
Use our simple UI to add your endpoints and parameters in minutes. Upload a swagger spec to make the process even faster.

Create Interactive Docs
Once you upload your API, interactive documentation is automatically created to allow users to test your API in their browser and start consuming it in a single click.

Generate Code Snippets
RapidAPI provides code snippets in multiple languages so it’s simple for users to integrate your API into their application.

Authentication and User
Management Included

Secure Your API
We authenticate every API request so you don’t have to worry about it.

Convenient User Management
Each user is assigned a single, multi-API key for quick setup and convenient user management.

Detailed Analytics
Gain insight into API usage and trends, and track performance with detailed analytics on the Provider Dashboard.

Expanded Developer
Reach and Monetization

Billing and Invoicing
We take care of billing and invoicing your customers globally.

Flexible Pricing
Pick the pricing model that is best suited to your API and define your pricing tiers.

Unlimited Calls
Scale to unlimited users or API calls for no additional charge to you.

RapidAPI Partner Plan Pricing

Add an API Free
Marketplace listing Free
Interactive Docs Free
Unlimited APIs, Users, and API Calls Free
Newsletter Promotions and Marketing Contact Us
Monetization Fee 20%

API Providers Love RapidAPI

We help thousands of API Providers around the world acquire users and monetize.

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“Our partnership with RapidAPI makes it easy for developers to test and deploy the FullContact platform.”
Kory Cunningham, ‎Product Manager, Developer API, FullContact
“RapidAPI is a one-stop-shop for learning about, testing, and deploying solutions that help enhance digital experiences and applications.”
Shikhir Singh, Director of Product Innovation, Telesign
“We are delighted to partner with RapidAPI to extend our reach further through our travel API, making travel planning and booking as easy as possible.”
Hugh Aitken, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Skyscanner
“We’ve partnered with RapidAPI to help developers limit the time spent on cleaning text data and maximize the time spent on building amazing machine learning models.”
Chris Greenough, CEO, Dialex

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