RapidAPI for Developers

Find and Connect to APIs Faster on the
World’s Largest API Hub

All the APIs You Need,
In One Place

APIs simplify how developers integrate application components into an existing architecture, making it easier to build applications and microservices more rapidly.

RapidAPI provides the world’s largest hub for APIs, enabling developers to find, test, and connect to thousands of APIs — all with a single account, API key, and SDK. Millions of developers use RapidAPI to access more than 30,000 APIs.

Developers can also use RapidAPI to find the APIs needed for a project, embed the API into the app, and track usage of all their APIs through a single dashboard. Developers can create an API and use RapidAPI to make it available to developers already using the API hub.

Find the Right API for
Your Application

With RapidAPI, you can search and find the right API for your application.

  • Choose APIs by reviewing the popularity score, average latency, and average success rate directly in the search results
  • Browse APIs by category, collection, or type by using the drop down menu, search bar, or RapidAPI’s collections, a grouping of APIs based on similar or complementary functionality
  • Preview some of the most popular endpoints of the API and see if the API is Paid, Free, or Freemium

Connect to the API to integrate
it into your application

Using RapidAPI, you can consume any API using a unified format that is easy to understand and embed in your app.

Gather information about each API using the endpoints page to view a list of endpoints, documentation, and a code snippet to help you implement the code into your app.

View API documentation individual endpoints, the parameters for each endpoint, and the response data to quickly understand how the API works.

Subscribe to API plans to start using it. Manage all your API subscriptions and payments through RapidAPI.

Utilize a single key in RapidAPI for all your APIs.

API Analytics Statistic A v e r age Latency A v e r age Error Rate 2020-1-06-22 4:44 T otal API Calls Time Range P eriod Statistic Select Endpoints Latency Errors API Calls 146 0ms 0.4% Last 7 D a ys D a ys Create Organization P opularity Score Updated two months ago T r a v el, T r ansportation Endpoints Discussions Pricing About Latency Success Rate Subscribed Pr o vider Rating Resources Pr o vider T erms of Service F ollowers on API API Mar k etplace My Apps Add an API Docs T est Endpoints 95% 28ms 9.6/10 +44

Manage and Monitor the
Performance and your APIs

Manage applications and API keys using a single dashboard within RapidAPI.

  • Monitor API performance by visualizing how many requests are made to different APIs, tracking the number of requests that return an error, and viewing latency data for each API.
  • Debug faster by inspecting the logs for all requested data.
  • View usage and billing information for a breakdown of API spending, including the monthly recurring and overage charges. 
  • Manage subscriptions from one place to track quota usage and time remaining until the quota limit resets.