A Next-Generation API Platform for
Insurance Companies

APIs Enable Integrated and Innovative Insurance Offerings

Increasing competition from new entrants and the availability of modern technology has disrupted the insurance industry, dramatically changing the types of products and services are offered and how these solutions are delivered.

To keep pace, insurance companies are digitizing their services, leveraging APIs to power their modernization efforts. Using APIs, insurance companies can build applications that leverage third-party offerings – providing customers with more integrated and innovative services. Additionally, initiatives such as “Open Insurance” are gaining traction among insurance providers who want to create an ecosystem that enables them to share data through APIs. To make it easier to share and expose these APIs, providers are looking for an API platform for collaboration across the ecosystem.

The Right Platform -
RapidAPI Enterprise Hub

To find, connect to, and manage the APIs used in insurance more efficiently, a platform is needed to serve the needs of everyone in an insurance company’s ecosystem – customers, partners and other third-parties. RapidAPI Enterprise Hub is a next-generation API platform designed to address the needs of modern-day APIs. RapidAPI Enterprise Hub can be branded and customized by the insurance provider, creating a centralized API hub that can be used to internally connect to, share, and manage APIs. Additionally, RapidAPI’s Enterprise Hub can be used as to enable third-parties to also find and connect to an Insurance provider’s APIs.

The white-labeled API Hub:

  • Integrates seamlessly with internal systems
  • Supports all of the provider’s APIs
  • Works with any API gateway or management system
  • Deploys across multi-cloud environments
  • Provides a dedicated dashboard for managing APIs and ensuring data security, compliance, and adherence to SLAs

Use Case: RapidAPI’s API Hub Enables Providers to Collaborate on APIs

As development teams within the insurance organizations grow and split into multiple teams, they form “software silos” with each group responsible for a specific product or technology.

An Internal API hub provides a centralized location for the various teams to find, manage, and connect to all APIs — using a single key and SDK. An API Hub is branded with a provider’s identity and enables organizations to create new efficiencies, accelerating the software development process.

RapidAPI Enterprise Hub:

  • Provides a centralized place for all your APIs
  • Offers a private API hub to discover and connect to internal APIs, as well as API subscriptions.
  • Enables developers to publish their APIs
  • Delivers management capabilities that enable enterprises to govern and manage API consumption with enhanced visibility and control

Use Case: RapidAPI Enables Collaboration with Third-party Organizations

Providers can offer third-parties access to key APIs using RapidAPI’s Enterprise Hub.  Using the API platform, providers can collaborate with third-parties to create unique solutions and efficiencies. Using the RapidAPI Hub, providers will be able to create more innovative and personalized services that enhance customer satisfaction.

RapidAPI Enterprise Hub:

  • Provides a centralized and customizable API platform
  • Enables companies to leverage their APIs to create new products and services
  • Empowers partners and co-collaborates to securely find, manage, and connect to the APIs you designate — all using a single key and SDK.
  • Delivers management capabilities that enable you to govern and manage API consumption with enhanced visibility and control