The Next-Generation API Platform

Find, Connect to, and Manage thousands of APIs
World’s Largest

Millions of developers find and
connect to thousands of APIs

Solutions for an Integrated Developer Experience

Improve the developer experience with integrated tools for design, testing, monitoring, and more

Get Started with RapidAPI
Enterprise Hub

Your development teams, partners and customers can discover and connect to your APIs — all from a single, next-generation API Platform. RapidAPI’s Enterprise Hub can be customized to match your company’s brand, integrates seamlessly with internal systems and tooling, supports all of your APIs, and can be deployed as a cloud-based service, on premises, and across multi-cloud environments.

The World’s Largest

Millions of developers make the RapidAPI Hub their number one destination for finding and connecting to thousands of public APIs — using a single SDK, API key, and dashboard.

A Unified Development Experience

As digital transformation efforts have accelerated over the last year, developers require modern API tooling to build digital applications and services.

RapidAPI provides a unified experience across the API development lifecycle from developing APIs with RapidAPI Client to testing and monitoring them with RapidAPI Testing.

Support for Multiple API Types and Advanced Capabilities

API Types Advanced Capabilities


Use of aggregating multiple data sources into one API. Popular APIs supported: GitHub, GitLab, Yelp, AniList, Shopify, and more


Use this popular API Type for web applications and projects that are flexible, scalable, and fast


Use to handle and process data streams and ingest/move large amounts of data quickly (coming soon)


Use to fetch, combine, and aggregate data from multiple APIs and databases in a single call


Use for transactions that involve multiple calls or applications


Search for APIs, test APIs, and compare them based on latency, uptime, and popularity


Mitigates/Significantly reduces the OWASP Top 10 Security Risks


Support for all standards and API types (OAS, GraphQL, etc.)


Understand/Manage how your organization uses internal & external APIs


Grant authorization to only those users/team members you want to access your APIs


View documentation and test APIs easily


Brand with your company’s logo, colors, messaging, login, etc